Occupational Therapy

Treats cancer rehab through all stages and side effects; Lymphedema, Lipedema, home evaluations, shoulder dysfunction, cognitive dysfunction

Physical therapy

Personal Training

Cancer exercise specific to your needs.

Eric Souser ISSA Elite Personal Trainer/Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist

A two-time Head and Neck Cancer Survivor, Eric knows firsthand the physical and emotional side effects of fighting the disease. Eric earned an Elite Trainer Certification through the International Sports Science Association and is certified by the American Council on Exercise as a Cancer Exercise Specialist. With his treatment now behind him, Eric’s passion is to help others transform their body and influence them to make more mindful decisions regarding their health.

Eric Souser ISSA Elite Personal Trainer/Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist A two-time Head and... Read More

Dr. Erin Erickson OTD,OTR/L,BCPR,CLT Owner & Lead Therapist

Born and raised in Nebraska, Erin completed her undergrad studies at The University of Nebraska-Lincoln before transitioning to Creighton University in Omaha to complete her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy. In December 2006, Erin graduated with a Bachelor’s in Health Sciences degree and is Board Certified in Physical Rehabilitation, a Certified Lymphedema Therapist, and also completed the Survivorship Training and Rehabilitation (STAR) program. Erin specializes in cancer rehabilitation and has become one of the premier cancer rehab specialists in the Denver metro area since moving to Colorado in 2007. Erin is a natural caregiver and always puts the patient first.

Dr. Erin Erickson OTD,OTR/L,BCPR,CLT Owner & Lead Therapist Born and raised in Nebraska, Er... Read More

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Located at: 8000 S Lincoln St, Suite 6, Littleton
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